Friday, March 30, 2012

Rainy Days and Fridays

We are finally getting some rain here on Irishman Acres! Such a mild winter (not complaining!), and an early spring has left all the trees and plants well as the animals. Breeding season has started early with our peacocks too. The adult males had to be separated earlier than usual.
This morning, my dear husband informed me that I needed to do the chores because he was running late...
now I love my farm and doing chores, but after getting all 4 of our children up and ready and off to school first thing...start the laundry, and dishwasher, make the beds, pick up the house from the morning rush...THIS GIRL HAS TO READ HER BLOGS!!!    GEEZ, the nerve of him!!

Mother nature and my lovely animals definitely put things in perspective...the wonderful aroma of the blooming flowers after a rainstorm, the cheerfulness of our cows getting breakfast, and seeing our peacocks all perched up high keeping their tail-feathers out of the mud...

Our blues, and their "babies" from last summer. Daddy is Paco.
Felipe (moved to the chicken pen to keep him alive!)
Little Dixie Mae even greeted me "Good mornin' Mama"

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This is "What I NEVER knew that I ALWAYS wanted"

A born and raised city girl, finding the country life to be the real me! Every day is an adventure, and each season brings new excitement and experiences. I am learning and loving the path of finding my true passion....making this little farm our HOME!