Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chore time

I do love the morning chores....all the animals seem so happy to see you, the sun isn't too hot yet, and the daytime laziness hasn't begun...for the animals, not me :) I took these with my phone, so they aren't the best quality pics...but I couldn't resist!

Felipe showing off his new feathers

Dixie was being a little stand-offish this morning

Paco strutting his stuff for the ladies

Hershey following mama around (she thinks she helps)
I turned Ken, the bull, out to the pasture all by myself, and I lived to tell about it! 

I am busily working away at party planning, home cleaning and decorating (around the construction), and keeping up on the laundry of baseball and track uniforms....Spring is our busiest season, both on the farm and in PARENTHOOD. I can't wait  for the school year to be over so we can enjoy life more or to just take a breath! There are lots of spring concerts, track meets, baseball games, piano lessons, 4H meetings, and Youth Group meetings. And that is just for the kids calendar of events! I think we need to take a hint from these farm animals and just learn to be happy with breakfast and being lazy all day! (and strutting our stuff, like Paco and Felipe)

 Here is an update on our updates....just a sneak peak.....

The unstained trim and new wood floors of our hallway
I went window shopping and love the look of the middle two spindles
I am in process of making pillows, potting new plants, trying to find an area rug I like, and re-arranging our picture frames.....Can't wait to have a finished home!!!!!!!!!

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This is "What I NEVER knew that I ALWAYS wanted"

A born and raised city girl, finding the country life to be the real me! Every day is an adventure, and each season brings new excitement and experiences. I am learning and loving the path of finding my true passion....making this little farm our HOME!