Monday, July 7, 2014

Obsessed Much? Monday: Camping in Style

We are the proud owners of a cute little camper. Purchased last summer, on a whim. And we are the same people who said that they would never own a camper....never say NEVER! Although we will not be using it that often, it will be nice to have a little place (of our own) to stay when needed, or when the youngins want to have a sleepover :)

We are currently making some cool, cheap budget friendly changes to it to make it more comfortable for us, and to bring in more of our style. 

Before I show you our new little vacation home on wheels, I had to show you what some of my inspiration is coming from and what has me so obsessed

Pinterest is an addicting little burger. And boy, did I get a little excited when I saw some of these images....

{from the Fancy Farm Girl}
{Originally found here}

Just look at all that white, it is so clean and fresh looking...
Even though I LOVE these spaces, ultimately I know that Baileyhusband would not be very comfortable with these Girly looks. (besides, he told me so)

This is getting a little bit closer to what he likes.... and I love the use of wood, white, and black. That rug that we catch a glimpse of is so perfect....

{Not sure of the original source}

You don't have to skimp on what you love or what makes you happy just because the manufacturer made it a certain way. I think making it feel more like a little HOME instead of a trailer will make you love the time spent in it so much more.
I like the storage and use of different un-camper materials that this next image shows.

{unknown source from Pinterest}

Oh, this wood wall...seriously?? LOVE THIS!! Maybe not for now, but maybe in the future....

Head on over to my Pinterest board for more amazing images. And make sure you come back tomorrow to see our cute little camper's new look! 

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