Friday, January 10, 2014

...till death us do part....Marriage Takes Three

I was going to name this post "LOVE, and other mushy stuff". But I didn't think anyone would read it.
So, since you are reading this, I assume, this was the better choice in post names! :)

I wanted to take a break from talking about the farm and our home, after all, this blog is supposed to be about US here at Irishman Acres...our home, our farm, our family, our LIFE. 

The biggest part of my life, and what I am most proud of by far is......our marriage.

We started out our relationship as very young, naive, stubborn people.
Getting married did not change that...I think it just enhanced our faults.

A couple of years into our marriage we had already had 2 children, started a business, and built our brand new home on this acreage. Each of these big life events, separately, are big game changers and hardships for a marriage. But together they spelled disaster!

Since I want this blog to be "nothing but the truth", I will say that it got bad enough that we eventually separated and lawyers were hired. But to make this L O N G story a little shorter....
everything changed when I gave God the reigns in my life and a MIRACLE happened.

Our hearts changed....our goals changed.....and our LOVE grew from there.

This man, that I walked down the aisle to 16 years ago, scared to THE LOVE OF MY LIFE.
My OBSESSION, my PARTNER, the amazing father of my children.

Marriage is not easy, it is anything but easy! It can be messy, ugly at times. But when you let go and actually invite God into your marriage....your world together becomes more than you dreamed.

I have a bookmark in my bible that a loved one gave to me when our marriage was saved, and I read the poem on it constantly:

Marriage Takes Three

Marriage takes three to be complete;
It's not enough for two to meet.
They must be united in love by loves creator,
God above.

Then their love will be firm and strong;
Able to last when things go wrong,
because they've felt God's love and know
He's always there, He'll never go.

And they have both loved Him in kind
with all their heart and soul and mind;
And in that love they've found the way
to love each other every day.

A marriage that follows God's plan takes more 
than a woman and man.
It needs a oneness that can be
only from Christ.
Marriage takes three.

by Beth Stuckwisch

So to all that know us, you all know that we are constantly a work in progress.
But what marriage isn't??? With the arguments that are bound to happen with someone that you live with day in and day out, it's what happens in between the arguments that matter! 

His heart is my heart....his life is MINE. Together, we are so blessed! 
God knew what He was doing, I am so glad that we listened!

Happy Anniversary Baileyhusband!
 We are definitely one of a kind, and together we share this CrAzY life! And I wouldn't change a thing!

~Kim, your Baileywife

Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013 Happenings Catch-up

It's been awhile since I've been here to my little end of the blog world.
I've actually been keeping up with my blog friends and meeting new ones, but just haven't been here to Irishman Acres blog to write and share our happenings.

Life is a funny thing....and ours is a busy one! 

I will ease back into this blogging thing, and hope to catch up on some things that have happened here.
I have some new additions to our farm to show you all. And some changes are in store to our home also! 
More on that in a later post....(winky face)

I have recently joined in the fun world of Instagram! You can follow along on our day to day life HERE.

Here are some things that happened in our life since I blogged last, get ready for a blast of pictures to follow:

We showed our cattle and some chickens at our county fair.....

{Calvin (with Sierra) won Polk County Grand Champion!}
{Wyatt showed our large breed cattle (Carmelle) for the first time!}
{one of our Silkies}
We showed our little Miniature Hereford Bull, Hawkeye, at the State Fair......

{Daddy got in the ring and showed cute!}

Everyone went back to school........

{first day annual photo}
Which meant my oldest went back to college...(insert sad face).....

You can see her first dorm room from last year HERE.
And this is her space this year:

{Her BEFORE bedroom}
{AFTER, yes, we just re-used last year's chair}


Sports picked back up....

{Emma, Cheer Captain of her college team!}

{Gunnar, 2nd year playing his favorite sport!}

{Sierra, cross country}

As well as music practices and concerts, 4H meetings, Youth Group, this Mama going back to work, and so much more!

Finding the balance is key, I missed keeping my little journal of our lives here, and hope to share more. When I first started blogging, it was all about numbers. I think many bloggers feel the same way. Watching the number of page-views becomes addicting, and self deprecating actually. So this new year is also bringing me some new-found sense of self....and really, aren't blogs just for us anyways? :)   

Well, this is enough to get me started on our Catch-up of 2013. My next post I will show highlights from a dream come true project I did this fall!! 
