Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Midwest Meet-up

Yep....I'm one of THOSE bloggers! 
Even though this is just a little blog that I use to document our life on our farm and all the fun DIY projects we do around here.....I just couldn't resist wanting. needing. begging to meet fellow bloggers.

Now I have my favorites, these lovely ladies that I stalk, I mean follow......

I have my hopes set high....I am so excited to break bread in the same room with some of my future friends ;) I just know that we will be BFFs once they get to know me! (hahahaha)

Now, I have to find what to wear, what camera to bring, what hotel to stay at....should I TRY to lose those 10 lbs that just keep coming back every winter?? Do I have time? Does anyone really even care??
If they are the wonderful women I think they are, than HECK NO!! ;)

I can't wait to share all the info and pics from my trip....and maybe some cool stuff that I might purchase on a shopping trip that my new BFFs and I will be doing! ;)

Hopeful the Chicago weather is great...after all, it will be SPRING BREAK!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gentle Shepherd~and piano lessons!

This month (actually this whole WINTER) has been difficult for me to blog. I have a lot of posts in my head, and sometimes jot them down, but somehow they never make it to the computer!
The flu hit us hard, as well as the WINTER BLAHS....I'm starting to feel like myself again, the groundhog SUPPOSEDLY did not see his shadow, so impatiently waiting for our "Early Spring".  
I do still have some winter type decor around my house...and thought I would share my favorite!

This painting was originally in my grandparent's home. It brings back so many memories from my childhood. 
I recently "Googled" dog and lamb painting (don't ya just LOVE Google??)...and found out there is an arguement over it's origin. Probably around 1906, from the artist Walter Hunt. It has been called the Rescue of a Lost Friend,  Shepherd's Call, and Found.
Whatever the real name, I think it is beautiful art, simple frame and all! 

I also own a hymnal from my childhood church, where my parents were married, WE were married, I was baptized, and my children were dedicated as newborns.....so many memories while holding this book....
and my favorite hymns of all time: Gentle Shepherd. I can still hear my dad's voice singing along with the congregation. I feel so lucky to now be the owner of this book!
Wyatt is currently amusing me by learning to play this hymn.....MUSIC TO MY EARS!!! 

Our daughters tried to play the piano, and after one year of lessons, they came to the conclusion that it is NOT fun (for them). Which is why I am so excited that our son, Wyatt, has taken a huge interest in music....and I must say, he is a talented lil guy! Paying for weekly lessons is paying off, and making that huge piece of furniture Baileyhusband bought me for my 30th birthday all worth it! ;)

I had to take a picture (for documentation purposes) of his cute little hands playing.....

 Our front room wears MANY hats.....home office, library, Christmas Tree Room...
but my most favorite hat that it wears is MUSIC ROOM. 

Our piano, for the time being, proudly displays both my Hymnal and Shepherd's Call....because for me, they go hand in hand. Ahhh, memories....the best design accessory!

Happy Weekend ya'all!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bringing Home the Babies: my first guest blogger!

Today, I have a GUEST BLOGGER! His name is Wyatt...one of the Baileysons ;) He has some news from our farm to share....take it away Wyatt!!


Hi, my name is Wyatt I really don't want to do this but my mom is making me......So i dont know what to say. This morning my dad got a phone call from our local post office saying that our chicks that I have been waiting for arrived. This is a 4-H project for me this year to show at the fair. Hopefully we ordered them soon enough to get them to their full potential. 

Our local post office.

The shipping box from Murray McMurray.

Our first peek inside.

A small box for 32 chicks, so they can stay warm.

The chick that my brother, Gunnar, is holding is  Golden Laced Polish.

 This chick that I am holding is a White Crested Black Polish.

 This chick that my dad is holding is a Blue Silkie.

Introducing the baby chicks to their new home out in our detached garage.

Once the chicks got in their new home they all huddled up 
under the heat lamp to stay warm.

This heat pad I found came underneath of the hay in the box  makes the chicks warm while on their cold ride to the  post office.

That green goo in their food is Grow Gel, it helps the chicks get off to a good start on their life.

Once my dad put the food in the brooder all the chicks ran after the food.

 The chicks that my dad and I ordered were Golden Laced Polish, White Crested Black Polish, 
Blue Silkies, White Silkies, and Buff Brahma Bantams. Murray McMurray Hatchery, the company that we ordered our chicks from gives you a free exotic chick for every order and the free chick that we got my dad thinks it is a Black Tailed Buff.

I can't wait to see the chicks grow older. My dad and I are going to build new enclosures  that we can keep all he different breeds separated.

The End

Good job, Wyatt!( I didn't really "make him", but he WAS the one that took  pictures and it is his story to tell! :) I can't wait to see the enclosures you and Dad  make this spring...maybe i will "make you" blog about that too!? 
~Mama (~Kim)

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